Sunday, January 22, 2017

Size Does Matter!

Well, it shouldn’t, but the truth is, it does. And the size of what are we talking about, here? The size of others’ opinions. The space that it occupies in each of our lives, day in and day out. It is sometimes disturbing to notice that, that one person whose opinion matters to us the least, is our own! Of course not denying the fact that there is a small chunk of people who are makers of their own destiny – apni marzi ke maalik (like we say in Hindi).

But of course in this article we are talking about people who belong to the former category, like myself. The size of the space occupied by others’ opinions in each of our lives varies, ranging from S, M, L, XL and so on. And talking of sizes, it is interesting to note that, the size of one’s happiness and peace of mind is always inversely proportionate to the size of others’ opinions. The smaller the size of others’ opinions, the larger is the happiness and peace, and vice versa.

It is when having one such conversations with my friend about me belonging to the former category of being easily influenced by what others think, is when a solution was given to me – Yes, you are right. Even this time, another’s opinion mattered, and how! It mattered to this extent, that I am not only applying it, but advising others on applying it too!! LOL.

      Compartmentalize people: Everybody in our lives cant occupy the position of being somebody whose opinion should even matter – well, I was told that it shouldn’t even be heard, but thankfully I would beg to differ from what another thinks (thank god I am learning)

-          Compartmentalize opinions: After people, come their opinions. It is not necessary that every opinion of every person need be given equal importance. Here is where opinions are categorized into those that will affect us and those that don’t, in fact shouldn’t. Is the opinion truly beneficial? Makes sense? Coming from a person who is high in order of priority? OK, qualify.

-          Applying opinions: The third and the last, but not the least at all (in fact the most important). Not all opinions that matter, can be applied or need be applied. And at this juncture is where the most important person enters, whose opinion needs to be considered – YOU. YOURSELF. YOUR OPINION. Not all of us are structured or wired in a way to just stand up strongly to our own independent opinions. We sometimes, need some backing and support. And this is where it has to be kept in mind to never forget yourself.  Never to give importance to another’s opinion than your own.

      We have one life to live, and the best way to live it is by our own standards. As long as our actions and opinions are not affecting another’s or even our own life in a harmful manner, there is no right or wrong. Life is meant to be lived up, each second, each minute, each hour, each day, everyday, day after day!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

If this is not Love....

When you are the one hurt
I am the one who feels pain
When the times are going tough
The tears in my eyes start to rain.
If this is not love, what else is?

Every time the phone rings
A smile on my face it brings
People around me look puzzled
But I always keep them riddled.
If this is not love, what else is?

My day starts with you
And so does it end,
But not even a moment of it
Do i find to repent.
If this is not love, what else is?

When I need some support
To you I want to run,
When its time for some cheer
Its with you I want the fun.
If this is not love, what else is?

When alone and lonely
Your companionship is what I seek
And even amidst a crowd
All I yearn for is your single peek.
If this is not love, what else is?

And as I am about to wrap up
This poetry sitting at my seat
All I am looking forward to
Is for us to someday meet!
If this is not love, what else is?

Friday, June 3, 2016


In the blossoming of a flower,
In the laughter of a child,
In the chirping of the birds,
In the swaying of the trees,
There are reasons to do it - SMILE.

In the caress of a mother,
In the protection of a father,
In the teasing of a sibling,
In the teaching of a guru,
There are reasons to do it - SMILE.

In the care and company of a friend,
In the love and affection of a partner,
In the companionship of a roommate,
In the understanding of a colleague,
There are reasons to do it - SMILE.

In the lashing of the waves,
In the downpour from the clouds,
In the shining of the sun and,
In the lighting of the moon,
There are reasons to do it - SMILE.

In the passing thoughts of an old friend,
In the memories of times well spent,
In the cherishing of the people you have met,
In the thanking of the people who have helped,
There are reasons to do it - SMILE.

There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy,
And who deserves it more than U - SMILE!:-)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

In pursuit of true happiness....

What is it, that all of us, as humans with flesh and blood, as humans with feelings and emotions, as humans with senses and a reasoning, need, to feel fulfilled, to feel satisfied and to feel happy. 
Money? Comforts and luxuries? Attention?
NO. All, the human mind craves for, is Love & affection.
All, the human mind needs, is Acceptance.
All, the human mind is hungry for, is Appreciation.

To have a special someone to love & to be loved. To have a family to care and to care for. To have a bunch of friends to enjoy with and live life to the fullest. These are all riches that hold a lot more value than a hefty bank balance.

To have a best friend who understands and who you understand. To have a partner who accepts you the way you are and loves you for who you are. To have a confidante, whose shoulders you can lean on, during times not so good. These are all comforts that cant be traded in for any worldly luxuries.

To have a pat on the back, acknowledging your efforts – small and big. To get a round of applause, appreciating your achievements - small and big. To have a reassuring nod when you are in self doubt. These are all things that have the power of even bringing the dead back to life and to keep us going when we feel down in the dumps.

So, when loved, accepted and appreciated, is when we feel true happiness. That is where the true happiness of the mind lies. 
Today, take it upon yourself, to keep the minds of people around you, happy. Love them. Make them feel accepted and appreciated. Spread happiness and see how it comes back to you one day. The joy of giving is indeed like a boomerang. It eventually comes back. It has to. It will.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

inTRANSIT Anthem

Stay in your world, connect with ours
When you have in hand, those endless hours!
When boredom stares you in the face
Hook onto us, and it will change!
A room full of strangers, not anymore
Pick up your phone, and friends there will pour.
Hungry as a dog and care for a meal,
Get onto us and we’ll get you the deal.
Shopping’s on the cards, but choices are not
We’ll get you to where the best things are bought.
If that’s not enough, we have more,

Once you know, you’ll love it to the core!!     

Sunday, May 25, 2014

WHY?? Because
The wind of realization blew so hard
With the strength to rip me apart
As It was beginning to throw me away
I saw you looking and smiling from afar.

You gave me the reason to continue
You gave me the cord to hold on to
You gave me the strength to try harder
You gave me the will to persevere.

You became the reason for dreams to bloom
Those I feared, had withered away
You became the bud of a new purpose
You showed me the path out of this mess.

With you in my heart, I tread along
The threads of my life, to you belong
As a new chapter begins to weave
HOPE - you are why I am Here. 
I am Me, all over again.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Little Wonder

What should we name you
How should we call you
Who will you look like
What will you sound like

Can't wait to hear your first cry
Can't wait to hold you in my arms tight
Can't wait to cuddle up close
To you, so pure as a new rose

Can't wait to hear you gurgle
Can't wait to buy you a new cradle
Can't wait to sing those lullabies
As you sleep. my little honey bee

Can't wait to see you grow
Can't wait for the tantrums you'd throw
Remember this mom will always be there
As we tread together as a pair
The journey called LIFE!!