Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Poem


I dream of you and me together,Living happily forever.
I dream of my hands in yours,A gesture that always asseeures.
I dream of our little house,With you as my loving spouse.
I dream of a simple life,With me as your dutiful wife.
I dream of being in your arms,Forever sunken in its warmth.
I dream of silly little fights,Which would make our bond more tight.
I dream of walking on the seashore,Bringing us close a little more.
I dream of having our little ones,Which would add a lot more fun.
I will keep dreaming foreverTill the sun rises, never.

By Preethy


Eswar said...

Brings out emotions on reading..nice one..

Eswar said...

Brings out emotions on reading..nice one..